Monday, January 28, 2008

Chapter 9

Okonkwo says that women's stories are silly, but I bet he liked them when he was younger. I wonder what it would take for him to admit something like that. Threats maybe? I don't know if that much macho attitude can be conquered by anything. He would probably rather die.

I thought it was weird that they are not allowed to have eggs. I guess that maybe there are a limited amount or maybe people get sick from them or something. It was funny though how they said that eating eggs leads to stealing. Where do they get this stuff?

I could not believe that Ekwefi had had ten children and nine of them died. It was the last one that lived too. I would think for someone to go through that they would have to be so strong both mentally and physically. To have ten children and have nine of them die is just horrible. She must have been so depressed. If I was her I would have stopped trying because at some point she would be in a lot of danger during the birth. I guess she didn't have the choice or at least I assume she didn't. I have great respect for these woman. They are so courageous even though their lives are terrible. They can find joy in their children, which is wonderful. To get up everyday and go through what they do, I could never do it.

I could not believe the mutilation part. My jaw dropped when I read what they had done. That is so sick. I understand that it was for the spirits or whatever, but it was just so unbelievable.

Something I don't understand, was that whole part about the stone. I mean this stuff is their religion and everything, but it is not true. Did someone place something there because they knew it would need to be found? How did Ezinma know about it? I guess maybe a story was told when she was younger, but this whole part was confusing.

I wonder what was wrong with Ezinma?


xoxsara said...

I thought the whole egg thing was weird too. I also thought that it might be because of illness and such. It would be horrible to have that many kids and have that many of them die.

Elaina said...

The poor lady had so many children and they died on her. I can not imagine how she felt. O and about the egg thing yeah what is such the big deal? I dont see why how eating and egg or two leads to stealing. I think if I had 10 children and only one survived I would be a very cranky and depressed lady....

the sheeman said...

this chapter was whack. the eggs were weird the medicine men were weird and the mutilation was just plain gross. i have no clue what was up with the rock, lucky guess or maybe sleight of hand by mr medicine man. who knows?