Monday, January 28, 2008

Chapter 10

This ceremony was like a court hearing. They had a judge type guy who was Evil Forest and then a type of jury which were the other titled guys. Speaking of this, Okonkwo said he had all these titles, but why wasn't he involved in this? Oh and what did they mean when they said "smoke poured out of his head" referring to Evil Forest.

Is Evil Forest this guy's real name or is it his name translated to English? Everyone else has a name like Okonkwo or Nwoye, and Evil Forest just seems out of place.

I don't understand how what this guy did is any different than what Okonkwo did. Maybe he had done it more often, but no matter how often they do it, it is still wrong. At the end someone said that the reason this case was brought to the court was because the court is the only one that the guy would listen to. Well, I think that the court is only one that Okonkwo would listen to but he doesn't have a case. It is probably because the beating has not lead to anything more noticable. He is just hiding in his obi.

I have finally found a quote remotely good concerning the treatment of women in this novel. "It is not bravery when a man fights a woman." Thank you! Finally someone who kind of gets it a least a little.


xoxsara said...

Yeah this chapter kind of confused me a bit. I think it is kind of random that the name "The Evil Forest" is just thrown out there with all these other odd names.

Irish said...

I think you are confusing the Evil forest with as a person instead of a place? The idea behind the evil forest is later in the book, the natives tell the missionaries that they can build their church in the evil forest.

Not sure about the "Smoke" comment, but maybe it represents anger or something coming out of his head? Sort of like a cartoon?

"I have finally found a quote remotely good concerning the treatment of women in this novel. "It is not bravery when a man fights a woman." Thank you! Finally someone who kind of gets it a least a little."

No dobut, the way Africans treat their wives is inhumane by our standards. We see this through out the book. I feel bad for his 2nd wife though. So many times Okonkwo beats them for stupid stuff. I assume this is common practice?

Mr. Farrell

Mr. Farrell

Cody Williams said...

All of these names are confusing me. The Evil Forest thing did not really help either. I agree that it was like a court hearing though. It seemed like a Jerry Springer story to me haha.