Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Chapter 11

I kind of liked the story telling section. I mean it wasn't needed or anything, but I could imagine it. It is like sitting around a campfire telling ghost stories or being at a sleepover and chatting in a circle. Of course their stories are very different, but we do the same thing. I can remember so many times sitting in a circle and telling stories. I was thinking that maybe this is where the circle storying telling tradition came from. I don't exactly know the time period, but it is possible. I like that something that started so long ago is still used today.

I was wondering if a tortoise is a special animal to them or something. He was in both Ekwefi and Ezinma's stories. Maybe he symbolizes a specific type of person.

At first I got mad at Okonkwo because when Chielo took Ezinma he said something very cruel about his wife getting upset, but later I actually liked him for a second. When Ezinma left to follow Chielo and her daughter I was thinking why did Okonkwo let her do that? I thought that she would get in trouble or something because she was kind of messing with their god, but when Okonkwo was there I was very happy. Finally he did something that was nice. Not just semi-nice, but he really showed that he cared about his wife and child in this part. I was very content with it.

1 comment:

Elaina said...

I agree the story telling part was very amusing and I enjoyed it a lot. It was not important at all or anything but I am still glad it was there. They did seem to like the tortoise, I bet it is like their mascot or something. I was so happy with Okonkwo at the end of this chapter. He actually has a heart and loves his wife!