Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Chapter 12

This ceremony (I don't really know what to call it) is similar but very different from our weddings. They have the same concept, but there are obvious differences. Of course no one pays for a bride now, but we do have a big party with relatives, friends and neighbors. They basically skip the actually ceremony part and instead have their own ceremony thing with the gift giving. Then they just go right to the reception, which really wouldn't be that bad at all.

I really want to know what happened to Ezinma in the cave. I was wondering why her parents didn't ask her. I know that they were pretty occupied with the festivities, but I would think that when something major like that happens they would really want to know. I hope we find out later in the novel. I wonder if it will have a large impact?

At the end of this chapter when they were talking about the cow that escaped, I thought that was totally random. I mean I guess he is showing another aspect of everyday life, but it just seemed so out of place. I just thought of something. If they have cows why don't they eat them? Are they sacred? Are there to little of them? Do they know they can eat them? Or do they eat them and it was just never mentioned? I guess that goats are like a delicacy because they only have them on special occasions, but what about the cows? That is what I want to know.


Elaina said...

I know I really want to know what exactly happen to Ezinma in the cave. Unfortunatly I do not think we will ever know.Unless we do find out later on and could be what the entire book is based off of. Yeah and the whole cow part very random it was just like who's cow is this, like they escape all the time or something.

Irish said...

You may think in our culture that brides aren't "paid for" but in many respects, an engagement ring is somewhat a left over token of what used to be called an English Dowry. A dowry is a bride price (in the old days) a man gave to either the woman's family (mainly her Dad) as a form of payment for taking his daughter away. Some modern couples would never even think of getting married without an engagement ring. This token, is a financial investment. So you see, our own culture has its own form of "Bride price".

The book doesn't tell us about Ezinma's meeting, and I think Achebe kind of left us hanging there! I thought at first she might be sacrificed, so I was happy to see her return.

I suppose Cows can be eaten, but also they can be tied to plows and made to do work around the village. There is also the milk factor? Definitely an odd subject to place as you mentioned.

Mr. Farrell