Thursday, January 24, 2008

Chapter 6

I was wondering if the drums are symbolic or something because they are mentioned numerous times. It is probably just more culture, but I wasn't sure.

During the part of this chapter when the two mothers were talking, one asked the other if her daughter was still at home. I didn't know why she asked that. I know that they marry young, but I didn't think it was at ten. They also said something like they normally are gone before they are six so the mother thought she would stay. Where would she go? I don't know how important this section was, but it definitely confused me.

During the wrestling matches, they said the first few matches were not that interesting because no one was thrown. At first I assumed that thrown meant the other person won, but now I am wondering if it means something different. I guess it could be a type of move or maybe something else.

Wrestling to them is like a pastime kind of like baseball to us. Most everyone loves it, and it an important part of our history as a country. It seems to be the same for them with wrestling. Everyone gets so into it, and they are excited for this all year long. The best match is like the World Series. Everyone waits in anticipation for it.

I know that Okonkwo was a wrestler, but why didn't he wrestle any of those matches? Is he to old? Or was he just not chosen?


Sarah said...

I think the drums are just a major part of their culture and traditions. I think that because so many of the children die young because of diseases and such, they do not consider their children there to stay until after they have past the age of six. They do marry young, but I don't think they marry that young.

Elaina said...

I kind of want to know why Okonkwo was not in the wrestling matches too? Maybe he is too old. I would have liked to watch a match it would have been cool. It also would have been neat to participate in them. I was glad that there was a winner in the end of the match it would have been boring if it was a tie.

Joe King said...

I think Okonkwo was a little too old but he still could have gone in and had a little wrestling match. What I really didn't like about this chapter is how much of a let down it was when compared to allt he hype from the previous chapter.