Sunday, January 27, 2008

Chapter 8

Now Okonkwo is depressed because of what he has done, but I will never feel sorry for him. Every horrible thing he has done is his fault, and he deserves to pay for it. He keeps saying that Ezinma should have been a boy because she has the drive, but I think that he just wants another boy around. He misses Ikemefuna, but now he will have to live with what he has done. The fact that Ikemefuna is not around anymore is causing him to focus on his other children. He is worrying that Nwoye is not going to be a good man, but without a role model how can he be a good man. Okonkwo is a horrible role model. Ikemefuna was a great one because he enjoyed his work and helped Nwoye to enjoy it as well. Now without him there, Nwoye does not want to do those things probably because it makes him think of Ikemefuna.

The part about the two people dieing seemed kind of out of place. I was wondering if that will come into play later or if it was just more culture? I was speculating poison or maybe the first was a heart attack and the second was shock. Maybe we will find out.

The bride price part was of course completely demeaning. I am not exactly shocked, but I will never be used to the treatment of women. I thought it was so stupid how they said that other tribes haggle and that is so wrong when first of all the entire thing is so wrong, and second this tribe does the exact same thing except instead of saying the price verbally, they use sticks. Big difference. I don't think so. Maybe between the tribes, but it is all the same to me.

I thought it was interesting that they had never seen whites, but if they have not how do they know that they are out there? Stories I assume.


xoxsara said...

Lisa, I agree with you, I will never feel sorry for Okonkwo. He had no right to kill practially his own child. I thought that was so wrong

Irish said...

I kept asking myself, how powerful is this Oracle that she made him kill his own son??? Can nobody question the ruling? Apparently not.

In a way, you can no go about reading the novel rooting against Okonkwo, stating he gets what he deserves. No need to feel sorry for him I'd say.

Ezinma is such a cool character. She's smart and much more alert than the other kids, but you can see her Father is going to resent that she's a girl for sexist reasons. It's a shame really.

As you point out, Ikemefuna's absence will play a roll in Nwoye's development as we'll see. This will play out in later chapters. It's a shame really. For all the damage Okonkwo does to himself, the real damage is done to his children because of who he is.

I can't remember the part about the two old people. I'll have to go back and check out the passage.

Bride Price (Dowry) is a major factor in many places outside the USA. Although today, we still have this in the form of an engagement (diamond) ring. Money from a man must be converted into a diamond ring and offered to a woman as a token of cash/value delivered to a woman for her hand in marriage. That is a bride price in modern day terms. Again, be careful how you judge other cultures, when our own is equally odd and barbaric.

Trade goods come through, from other countries I guess. This must give them some sort of idea. Whites will play a factor later on in the book.

Mr. Farrell

Joe King said...

I totally agree with you. I can never feel sorry for Okonkwo. He's an idiot. He brought this upon himself because he could have just stayed back at his hut and just let things be and saved a little bit of sadness. What he should have done is challenge the Oracle because he obviously has no problem with challenging the village by beating his wife on Peace Week and killing what was almost his own son when the villagers said to stay back. I agree with Mr. Farrell because that Oracle needs to be challenged because I think the stupid thing was completely wrong with ordering Ikemefuna's death.