Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Ch. 5&6

Chapter 5 goes back to the present. They discuss how the town and river become kind of run down and gross. I think that this represents the family's decline. It also mentions a scandal referring to sex and death. They have not yet revealed what it is though. The way that the author is telling the story is quite interesting. They are working slowly to tell the main event while in the present giving clues to the past. I think that is an interesting way to write. It causes the reader to really comcentrate because they have to determine when the author is talking in the present or in the past.

Now in the past. Sophie Mol arrives at the airport. Rahel and Estha are impolite to her and Ammu scolds them. Chacko is so excited to see his little girl, but when she and his ex-wife arrive, he keeps referring to her as his wife. It mentions the look on her face when she says this, but she doesn't correct him. I would also feel very awkward if this happened to me. I don't even think that I could go and stay with the man that I left, but I guess that it is really for the sake of the daughter. This does show how much the mother loves her.

The main event must take place when Sophie Mol is there. She seems to be a very good little girl. Rahel even asked Chacko earlier in the novel if her mother could love Sophie Mol more than her. She seems to have issues with that. I think that she acts out because she wants to make that she gets the attention she deserves. This is not the way to go about this, and I think that she will end up hurting people and herself if she keeps it up.

1 comment:

Irish said...

I suppose the run-down town is a parity as to the family's demise. Good call, I never thought of that before.

The author does keep skipping around, past, present, etc. It can be hard to follow sometimes, but as you point out this is all for a purpose.

The whole Chacko X-wife thing is awkward for everybody I'm afraid. I guess she feels she has to travel with her Daughter Sophie, and can't let her be by herself, so she has to to come along?

Good predictions in your posts, and I like how you follow up your comments by playing out possible plot lines that the author might take.

Mr. Farrell