Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Ch. 7&8

Starting in the present, Rahel is searching though Ammu's old room. She finds some things that she and Estha had hidden when they were younger. Estha is still not talking he is in the room with her, but he will not speak. I really want to know what happened to him. I know that it had to be something worse than what was already discussed, so I am very curious. A book of essays written by Estha triggers the memory of Ammu's funeral for Rahel. When she died Estha was with his father. Rahel had seen her right before this. She had been drunk and looked very different. A few weeks later she died in a hotel room. It mentioned that she had been sick for a while. Something was wrong with her lungs. I think it is possible that Ammu had been working as a prostitute. It mentioned a dream that she had where her hair was getting cut off. This is what they did to prostitutes to distinguish them from other people. I kind of think that she was working as a prostitute because she had been away, and she was not as pretty and well kept as normal. I think that doing that would lower your self-esteem so much that you just wouldn't care. Also, it said that she was not allowed to be buried with other people for many reasons, but they didn't say what the reasons were. She wanted her and her children to have a better life, but she couldn't make it happen.

In the past Sophie Mol is at the Ayemenem house. The author says how Mammachi hated her. I think that she has every right to. This woman Margaret left Chacko for another man and is now visiting and expecting to be treated very well. I think that any mother would hate someone that has truly hurt their child.

Velutha was playing with Rahel in the backyard when they got home. Ammu watched them and said that she was jealous, but she didn't care to think about who she was jealous of. I think to was Rahel being able to play with and touch Velutha. I still think that they are going to have as affair. This only made my ideas stronger. Rahel wouldn't let Velutha meet Sophie Mol. She thinks that he will like her more so she makes up an excuse. This is another example of Rahel's insecurities. They probably start with her father leaving. I think that everything just went downhill from there.

I also noticed that the author repeats herself a lot. The book is almost like a poem. There is so much imagery and repetition. For example they always say "a viable die-able age." This is just one example.

1 comment:

Irish said...

In the book SOLD, we learned that women who are prostitutes have their hair cut off. It must be a marking of shame or something in their culture? Sold took place in Calcutta. Not sure about the whole buried thing though.

Good point about her being right in hating mammachi. She's a home wrecker.

Also good call on Rahel's insecurities. We see this a lot through out the book. Usually kids from broken homes have difficult times adjusting to what we'd call a normal life.

yes, i remember the viable-die-able age remark. I think in India, life expectancy is very short, so maybe this is a cultural thing to point out? I don't know, but it does come up a bit.

Mr. Farrell