Friday, February 1, 2008

Chapter 16

There are a lot of new things happening in these chapters. Now there are missionaries that have come to build a church and to try to spread christianity. This is definitely giving a better overview of the time period. It must be slightly modern, but I really don't know when people started doing these missions. If anyone knows fill me in.

I figured out what an iron horse is. It is a bike.

I was kind of surprised that the tribe was not mad because of the missionaries. I would have thought that the tribe would have been more suspicious and unwelcoming. The Abame tribe killed that man and maybe the tribe was scared that if they fought they would be wiped out as well. Maybe they were just so astonished at the differences that they didn't care or maybe they could tell that these people meant no harm, and they were just going to put up with them until they left, but they are here to stay and are going to change all the tribes forever.

I am glad that Nwoye is interested in these people. He needs something that he can truly believe in. I just hope that his father will not intimidate him from doing what he believes is right.

1 comment:

the sheeman said...

there was me thinking it was a car. a bike does make more sense though. Ill bet the tribe will be mad at the missionaries b4 too long. The general opinion of mad but harmless will soon change into armed, crazy and dangerous