Sunday, February 3, 2008

Chapter 23

I just figured out where the missionaries and the people taking over are from. I think it is England because they keep talking about their queen.

So because of church burning, six leaders were taken to a prison type thing. Among the leaders was Okonkwo. They were given an ultimatum, and they did not agree to it. The leaders didn't receive water or food, and they were beaten. None of the leaders felt like talking because they were upset, but when they did start talking, the first thing Okonkwo said was we should have killed them when we had the chance. Of course this was a very Okonkwo thing to say, but he was punished because a guard heard him and came in to beat them all. The town was asked for money to release their men, and they gave it.

The crimes in this story are just getting worse as it goes on. These people just cannot believe what is happening to them. They are at a stand still and have no other ideas about what to do. they thought that burning the church would help them regain power, but all it did was hurt them. They just want things the way that it was, but they have no idea how to get that.

So I was basically totally wrong with the whole slave trade thing. I think this is after that happened. I really do not know the time period.


xoxsara said...

I don't think burning down the church will solve anything. If anything it would just make things worse. People are just going to start fighting because of it. It will not solve anything.

the sheeman said...

man the tribal heads were idiots to go. this incident will spark off a war. heck this would make a pacifist get up and fight. the english men sure dont think about the long term consequences.