Sunday, February 24, 2008

Response to Others..

I read Alaina and Sam R.'s blogs, and they didn't really differ very much from one another. I think that most people were thrown off guard at the random way that the podcasts begun. I know that no one believes in this stuff, but it is fairly obvious that we all slightly enjoyed learning about this religion.

Compared to my blog, theirs were definitely different. I guess that I analyzed the black and white thing different than most people. Alaina and I both chose to use the same quote. I really just thought of it and then later read hers and thought that was pretty funny. The quote really does apply here.

I think that everybody that did this took basically the safe route. I can say for myself and probably a few others that this was over my head. I do not dispell that. Hinduism is just a very large and confusing religion. I guess it was good to learn a little about, but I am perfectly fine with me good old western way of thinking.

1 comment:

Irish said...

Perhaps you and others being "over your head" puts you outside your comfort zone. The world is easy to understand as 2 +2 ='s 4. As humans we like things to be simple, nice, neat and easy.

The cold reality is that the universe doesn't work that way. To be able to understand something as abstract (as Hinduism) requires a high level of thought and logic that I would expect in an Honors student.

In 1491 the world was still flat in people's minds. Suddenly a new idea is introduced in 1492 by Columbus and everyone's world gets rocked. In life there are two types of people... Those who can view/comprehend an abstract/strange idea, and those who can't.

Mr. Farrell