Sunday, February 3, 2008

Chapter 24

In this chapter they are talking a lot about war. Okonkwo was remembering a war with a neighboring tribe, and he said that they killed 12 of the other tribe's men and the other tribe only killed two of theirs. When I think war I think hundreds of people and many many casualities. Their wars seem more like battles and very low scale of what we consider now. I think that with this in mind it would not be such a good idea to fight the invaders. If the tribe is used to fighting a small number then they will not know what they are in store for if they try to fight.

Of course, Okonkwo really wants to fight and take back their community. Some others want to fight to. The speaker at the gathering seems like he wants to as well, but that is until the oppurtunity arises. When some messengers come and tell them to stop the meeting, Okonkwo cuts off one guy's head. Instead of the others backing him up, they just kind of stand there. The other messengers get away. Okonkwo knows that they will not fight now because of the action of his tribe.

I guess they are just scared of what will happen to them. At the beginning of this novel I would have thought that everyone would have joined in to take out these people, but they are just scared now. Who can blame them though? I think that almost anyone in that situation would be scared out of their mind.

I really don't know how this novel will end. I assume that the messengers will come for Okonkwo. Maybe he will escape or stay and face the music. I really don't know.


xoxsara said...

When i read this chapter I thought for sure that they were going to war and going to fight the white men. I didn't really know what was going to happen otherwise.

the sheeman said...

I coulda sworn there was going to be a war. Man these guys are pathetic. What more incentive do they need to fight. Forget them and lets read a book about barbarians next.