Saturday, February 2, 2008

Chapter 19

This chapter is the end of Okonkwo's exile. He is very excited, and he already had his friend build him two huts. I still think that the whole exile was weird. First of all, what Okonkwo did was an accident. Second, his friend was allowed to visit him and has been attending to his yams and sharecropping them. Third, his friend built him two huts. When I would think of what an exile would be, I would think total isolation. No contact at all and never being allowed to go back. I really don't even understand why he was exiled if he could do all of this, and plus he wasn't even exiled to a bad place. It was to his motherland with some people he knew who treated him well. I thought it would have been much more harsh.

At the end of this Okonkwo and his family even got a going away party. It was sponsored by them, and I guess that it was more of a thank you party than anything else. Everyone knew that Okonkwo would throw a big bash, and they were all very glad for it. They did their traditional things like pray for each other and give thanks. It was just one last hooray for Okonkwo and his family, but even though they threw this they were pretty happy to leave.

I wonder if the tribe is as glad he is leaving as he is??

I really don't know how Okonkwo will be received back at his old tribe. At first I really didn't think that they would want him there, but for some reason they love him so much so maybe they will receive him well. I doubt that there will be any party or anything, but I think that he will definitely be noticed or he will make himself noticed.


xoxsara said...

I kind of wanted to know they were going to be excited he was leaving too? It never really went into detail about them and Oknonkwo's relationship.

the sheeman said...

I think you guys have it backwards. they were happy for okonkwo that his exile was over. yes they loved having him there, but they wanted him to be as happy as possible. that is why everyone was so glad at the feast