Sunday, February 24, 2008

Mythology of Hinduism #2

So this guy just starts talking about black and white. First, I think racial. Then he starts to say that you never know if it is white on black or black on white. Somehow, I am sure this relates to Hinduism. I guess that because they believe God is in everyone and everything, that you can be mislead by him. You would never know where he is, but at the same time you would always know that he is everywhere. He also said that white is representative of God, and black is representative of the devil. Now, this would make a lot of sense relating to the black and white thing, but do Hindus believe in the devil? I know that we talked in class about them having three Gods, and one being the destroyer. Would he be their devil? If so, in relation to the black and white, you never know who is trying to control you or be around you. You don't know which was first. They are both very misleading.

I feel like I just rambled on, and I have no idea if any of that makes sense, but oh well.


Alaina said...

I agree that the black and white made sense after he related the white to good and the black to evil. I think that the "destroyer" god is part of the "god" force that is a part of everyone. That leads me to think that there is evil and good influence on a person at all times, but it is up to that person to let one influence more than the other. I agree only that the whole thing didn't make a lot of sense. I really don't see how I could ever be a Hindu.

K said...

Having three gods would have to be really confusing. I know I would mess them up. You would think that if the one god was the destroyer that he would be their version of the devil. But then again if they all eventually get to their version of heaven why would they need a devil. It is so difficult to understand. And I also don't see why people would want to follow a god who would mislead them. That would really bother me.

Irish said...

It does make sense mention black and white but don't go into detail about the other ideas of the lecture. There were more concepts that you left out here.

I can't know for sure that you listened to the entire 14 minute lecture.

Mr. Farrell