Friday, February 1, 2008

Chapter 14

I didn't realize that in Africa it would get cold enough for there to be hail or "ice nuts." If there is hail do they get snow? Or was this just a freak occurence and it rarely happens?

Now that Okonkwo has been exiled, he is getting kind of lazy. They said that Okonkwo doesn't really feel like doing the work, and it is not what it was for him before. The way they made it sound Okonkwo only loved working and nothing else. Now he just doesn't want to. I get that he is upset and everything, but before they made work out to be his life and now it has taken a backseat to his self-pity.

I was wondering if the wedding customs in this villiage were completely different or if the customs shown here were just skipped over in the other village. In the other village they just seemed to have a celebration, but in this village there had been a sacrifice of a hen. You know that is pretty symbolic if you think about it. It is like the hen's life have been taken away and maybe given to eat just like the woman's life is now being taken away and given to the man. Even the slitting of the throat is like the pain both have to suffer to give up their lives. Only the woman will have to suffer from this pain for the rest of her life because of the beatings and the hen dies quickly.

I loved how Okonkwo totally got chewed out by Uchendu. Uchendu had it right with most of what he said. I liked the mother protection part. Also, he told Okonkwo not to be sorry for himself and to move on. I think Okonkwo needed that because he was definitely having a pity party.

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