Friday, February 1, 2008

Chapter 17

Honestly, I was not surprised to find out that Nwoye was leaving to go with the missionaries because of course in the last chapter they said he was one, but even before that he always seemed out of place in his family and has questioned their religion before. I think that it is good for him to leave. His send off gave him all the more reason to leave. I wonder if he was even going to leave before his father heat him. maybe he wasn't and then that happened, and it was the last straw, but either way it was the right decision for him.

I am not at all surprised that Nwoye converted the rest of his family except Okonkwo, but this makes me think that my theory about him becoming a slave is true. Of course Okonkwo would not convert, but his family would never do it if he was still around. They are all to afraid of him, and he would probably hurt them if they did. I really think Okonkwo is going to get taken.

When the missionaries disproved the tribe's entire religion, that must have put those people in total chaos. Everything that they had been taught since they were children has been disproved by these people that have come from out of no where. They must have been thinking about all the things they did according to their old religion. So many people died and were killed, and so many people were sent away. There world have just come crashing down, and they needed somewhere to turn. The missionaries were those people.

As Okonkwo was thinking about why Nwoye was his son and why he left, did he ever think that it had something to do with him. You know the two of them are actually very much alike. Neither of them wanted to become his father.


Irish said...

Nwoye was definately going to convert, no doubt about it. He is looking for acceptance which the church can provide. His father hits the roof when he learns of this. He views Nwoye's faith as a form of weakness I guess.

I also agree with you that it was time for him to leave. This was a good move for him to get from under his father's shadow.

You wrote:
"You know the two of them are actually very much alike. Neither of them wanted to become his father."

Mr. Farrell

the sheeman said...

i agree, they really are alike. both tend to get what they want by being stubborn. Nwoye was bound to be converted. it was almost a foregone conclusion. I mean he had the perfect mindset. whoda thunk that?