Saturday, February 2, 2008

Chapter 18

Basically, a lot of this chapter is about the new religion that some of the tribe is following. It talks about basic Christian stuff like how everyone is welcome even if they are outcasts to others. The church that has been affecting the tribe very much. Okonkwo personally wants them out. I can understand this. If some strange people started invading this town I would probably want them out especially if they have basically destroyed everything that I know.

People are now not being allowed to get water and are not allowed in the market. This has never happened to the people of the tribe anymore. This is making them mad.

I was so confused in this chapter. They were talking about this python and how if you killed it but not on purpose one thing happened and if you did it on purpose something else would, but sometimes they didn't know if someone killed the python on purpose. I guess it is either metaphorical or literal. I couldn't tell which one. I mean either way it is possible, but I was just so confused. At one point I thought the python thing was with the tribe, but then it said the story had risen from the Chrisitians themselves. I just really didn't get this chapter. I guess the point for it was to show the church's affects on the tribe.

1 comment:

the sheeman said...

vengeance is mine sayeth the lord. well these guys arent going to wait for their gods. they have gone absolutely crazy. and over what? A dangerous snake. who cares?