Sunday, February 24, 2008

Mythology of Hinduism #3

All I have to say is wow. I am not going to pretend that I know what this guy was talking about because, honestly, I have no clue. I am obviously not is college. When I listened to this, I felt like I was missing something. I know this was suppose to help me get background on the topic at hand, but it just confused me to the point of no return. I can try me opinion on this, but I am sorry to say that I am definitely not at this guy's level and cannot truly have an opinion on a topic so over my head.

Watts said that the western way of looking at the universe and the eastern way of looking vary like this. The west views the world as a construct, and the east views the world as a drama. The west knows that God created, which is where they get construct, but the east views it as more of a stage were God is the director of a huge play. This makes me want to quote Shakespeare's play As you like it, "All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players." That is how I took what Watts said about the views of the world.


Sam R said...

I know what you mean about feeling like you were missing something. It was like inside joke, only in this, it was background information that was missing. I think it is interesting that they view the universe as a play and God as the director. It's funny that you mentioned that quote because I thought of that too as I was writing. I just think that this is such a vast concept that our minds can't comprehend everything. I don't know how anyone can practice this religion!

Garvey said...

Ha, I was blown away, too. I think I've officially decided I'm never gonna study Hinduism in my future school experiences. This guy was so far over my head, I heard him say "dream" and almost started to dream myself. In my opinion his opinions were of a professional level, and we are simply high school students trying to get an idea of how their religion works. I honestly understand more in class than I did of what this guy is saying. I understood the whole east-west comparison, but other than that it was just like... blank in my head, ha. Those people are simply, crazy.

Elaina said...

I really felt I was missing something as well. It was totally over my head. This religion is way too complex and I'm just trying to learn the basics of it. It sounded like this guy just had random thoughts in his head and wanted to share them with everyone. I can not really see how this is a religion. I liked the whole universe play God as director comparison never really thought of it that way before but it was cool. I am very glad I am not a hindu is basically all I can say.